Tag: moon

Ecliptic Education

Written by Taylor McKinley

Courtney Lewis, activity director for the Chattanooga Public Library, discusses what an eclipse is and why it is important for people to learn about it.

As the moon intercepts perfectly between the earth and the sun, casting a shadow, a solar eclipse brings individuals from all walks of life together, all pausing to gaze upward and witness history.

Over 200 patrons gathered around the Chattanooga Public Library on April 8, 2024 starting around 2:30 P.M. to witness the rare solar eclipse through Oreos, protective glasses and interactive games. 

“For this eclipse we really made sure that people know that they can get glasses here,” Courtney Lewis, Chattanooga Public Library activities director, said. “That we are going to be celebrating with them, so there are going to be a lot more people that have a central place where they can come do fun things and experience it in a safe place. “ 

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